While I am trying to control my servings, doing this...
Mister Tricotine got this; Madeleines!
One of my favorites French pastry, especially with tea.
But I was a good girl, and I didn't get any. Not that I didn't want to...
Then, off to the ice cream store we went, because Mister T decided that he would take a diet-break this weekend. Now, let me say that we have started dieting only six days ago...
Anyway, here is the Pecan Parfait Mister T was craving for.
I am adding pounds just to look at it...
But, it was not enough... Because there was too much caramel left at the bottom of the cup, and because the pecan nuts were stuck inside and Mister T wanted to eat them, and because Baby Tricotine didn't finish her own ice cream, Mister T infamously and shamelessly poured Baby T's coconut ice cream into his caramel pecan mixture... See the rainbow sprinkles?
Psst! You want to know a secret? I think Mr T fell off the wagon (again), but Hush don't tell him; he doesn't like to hear it...
How about me, do you ask?
I bravely sticked to my single serving of Soy Crips... Yes, Siree!