This year, I will be running my first 10-miler race (on February 1st), I will be participating for the first time in a Triathlon (swim, bike, run) and I will be running my first Half Marathon ever! I will also do a few other and smaller races on the side as part of my training - or just for the fun - but the ultimate goal of 2009 is the Halfie. It has been planned to be this way for more than a year now, just like 2010 has been expected to be my first-whole-marathon year. I like to stick to my plans... 
2008 was my first year of racing and it was a gret one. I had phenomenal moments and not so great ones, but overall it was a very educational (I have learned a few lessons the hard way during the summer...) and thrilling running year. Having in mind running 5Ks and 10Ks only and not knowing exactly what my training would be over the whole year, I had set up my mileage goal at 500 miles. I am pleased to say that not only I reached my goal but also I ran 316 more miles than expected, meaning that I ended up covering a distance of 816 miles - I probably would have made it to 900 if I had not been injured at the end of the year...
So, this year - since I am going to train on longer distances, and I don't plan to get injuried again...
- I am setting my mileage goal at 1000 miles for 2009. The ticker here below is going to remain at the top of this blog for the rest of the year, and will update it as I go so if you are interested to see how I am doing (n'est-ce-pas, Papa2?
) come back once in a while and check on my progress.
To this day, I have done a 5 miles Resolution Run on January 1st and ran 8 miles of my coming-up soon 10-miler course yesterday, training with my local running group.

Wish me luck!

And to start this running year with the right foot, here is a "Daily Kick in the Butt" inspiration quote that was sent to me by Runner's World the other day and I find it very inspirational.
"When a person trains once, nothing happens. When a person forces himself to do a thing a hundred or a thousand times, then he certainly has developed in more ways than physical.
Is it raining? That doesn't matter. Am I tired? That doesn't matter, either. Then willpower will be no problem."
~ Emil Zatopek ~ |